
Jodi Arias

файл на civitaiстраница на civitai

follow me on Instagram, Youtube, Patreon and my website.

NOTE: Try to vote on the quality of the model/training an not based on how easily you are offended by the subject.

Jodi Arias

Suggested Weight: 1.0

Suggested prompts


Тэги: real person
Токены: j0d14r145
SHA256: 67232BF5C282D0AA1B5BCD0771A02232377E2C2D5ED2A6B2A62CCD9A960E0EE0

Howard the Duck

файл на civitaiстраница на civitai

follow me on Instagram, Youtube, Patreon and my website.

Howard the Duck

Suggested Weight: 1.0 (lower weights start looking more like a regular duck)

Suggested prompts


Токены: h0w4rdth3duck
SHA256: 55B2304DF6B64AB28824128169B938176C29713DB80DE4F90378D96FC7DFD881

Casey Anthony

файл на civitaiстраница на civitai

follow me on Instagram, Youtube, Patreon and my website.

NOTE: Try to vote on the quality of the model/training an not based on how easily you are offended by the subject.

Casey Anthony

Suggested Weight: 1.0

Suggested prompts


Тэги: femalewomancelebcelebrityreal person
Токены: c453y4nth0ny
SHA256: CA3CED01AD50501BE04C72BA739C03C8190D067A8F5F5923C5B09D6FA13467A6