@WS2006 lora.Fix.ZIP
解開後 取代掉 (After UNZIP, Then replace)
下的同名檔案 (file with the same name)
The password for the documentation is the C site URL: https://civitai.com/models/63409/midjourney
这是本人第一次为社区做贡献,C站给予我们太多,以尽绵薄之力,喜欢这篇文档,麻烦给个5星好评,您的支持是激发我继续免费创作的动力源泉。还有一篇关于chatgpt的指南及更多作品将在这篇文档收获1W赞时上传。请随时关注本网页。(stable diffusion也可参考)
stable diffusion can also be found at
The password for the documentation is the C site URL: https://civitai.com/models/63409/midjourney
This is my first time to contribute to the community, C site has given us too much, to do my small contribution, like this document, please give a 5-star review, your support is to inspire me to continue to create free power source. There is also a guide on chatgpt and more works will be uploaded when this document gains 1W likes. Please stay tuned to this page.
Before 2 months ago,i reported this bug to civitai
but they dont keep more attention on it.
So i made this guide for Read Invisible Prompt On Civitai
I use Chrome for example.
I installed Tampermonkey
For instance, I'll use the first cover of this model as an example.
I'm a beginner myself and don't see myself teaching. This is just to learn how to make Embeddings like I do them.
Once you've learned the basics, you can continue to learn more from other places.
Have chosen to make the guide in pictures and text as it is easier to just copy what I do.
tldr: You should be able to skip all the text and just look at the pictures.
Just a reminder!
You should never download without checking for viruses! Even if it is said to be safe.
I can recommend using: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/home/upload
The images are in a .rar file. Use the program below if you can't open it.
Use as you wish. No asking permission needed share sell or do what ever.
Long live pirates! F them greedy.. Have fun! :D